Snoopy! The Musical
Based on the comic strip Peanuts, this charming small-scale musical features all the much loved friends, Charlie Brown, Linus, Sally, Lucy, Peppermint Patty and of course, Woodstock the bird.
As Snoopy surveys the world from atop his kennel, and dreams about being the only canine fighter pilot of World War I, he ponders the meaning of life without coming to any particular conclusions ('in the book of life the answers are not in the back').
Presented in our intimate Studio, there are more than a dozen great musical numbers.
Production Photos
- Snoopy
- Charlie Brown
- Linus
- Lucy
- Peppermint Patty
- Sally
- Woodstock
Production Team & Crew
- Director
- Production Assistant
- Stage Manager
- Set Design
- Lighting Design
- Sound Design
- Musical Director
- Percussion
- Band Member
- Band Member
- Costumes
- Costumes